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MacHTTP 1.3
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#MacHTTP Configuration file, v. 1.3
#The format of this file is free form, with a few exceptions. Lines not
#starting with a keyword are ignored. There can only be 20 total suffix
#definitions (i.e., TEXT, BINARY, and SCRIPT commands). Also, security
#entries (ALLOW, DENY) are evaluated in the order specified in the config file.
#Note, all entries are converted to upper case by MacHTTP, so the config file isn't
#case sensitive.
#The following line defines the default file type if a suffix match isn't found.
#The syntax is: DEFAULT <default transfer type> <default MIME type>
DEFAULT TEXT text/html
################ IMPORTANT NEW INFO!!!! ####################
#These lines define the suffix file type mappings.
#There is a maximum of 20 suffix definitions. Supplying less than
#this will cause MacHTTP to use internal defaults for the undefined remainder.
#The syntax is <type> <suffix> <mac file type> <mac creator> <mime type>
#Unspecified parameters should be replaced with "*". MacHTTP tries to match
#a file suffix first. Failing that, it tries to match Mac file type info, and if it
#can, Mac creator info as well. Matching either suffix or type/creator determines
#the transfer type and MIME type. If the client supports HTTP/1.0, the appropriate
#MIME header will be constructed and returned, based on the info below.
#Scripts are responsible for generating their own HTTP/1.0 headers!!!
TEXT .HTML TEXT * text/html
BINARY .GIF GIFf * image/gif
SCRIPT * TEXT ToyS text/html
APPL .EXE APPL * text/html
BINARY .PICT PICT * image/pict
TEXT .TXT TEXT * text/plain
TEXT .HQX TEXT * application/mac-binhex40
BINARY .JPG JPEG * image/jpeg
BINARY .JPEG JPEG * image/jpeg
BINARY .AU * * audio/basic
BINARY .AIFF * * audio/x-aiff
BINARY .XBM * * image/x-xbm
BINARY .MOV MooV * video/quicktime
BINARY .MPEG MPEG * video/mpeg
BINARY .WORD WDBN MSWD application/msword
BINARY .XL XLS3 * application/excel
BINARY .SIT SITD * application/x-stuffit
#The following lines specify where to find HTML files for error messages, the
#default home (or index) page, the name of the log file, and the message
#returned for security violations.
ERROR :Error.html
INDEX :Default.html
LOG :MacHTTP.log
NOACCESS :NoAccess.html
#Sets the timeout for inactive connections to 60 seconds
#Sets the max number of simultaneous users to 8.
#The minimum value is 3, the maximum is 1000 (!!!)
#For larger values, you should monitor memory usage and increase
#MacHTTP's memory allocation in the Finder accordingly.
#Sets the number of "listens" MacHTTP performs simultaneously. For
#busy servers with clients that report "Unable to connect" errors,
#this number should be increased. If the "Listening" statistic in
#the status window ever drops to 1, some clients may miss connecting.
#Default is 5, minimum is 3, maximum is 50.
#A single copy of MacHTTP listens on a single port for multiple
#connections. The HTTP standard port is 80. Users may define any port
#they'd like to listen on, but internet standards say that ports
#numbered 1024 and below are reserved for "Well known services" that
#are pre-defined. That means if you change MacHTTP's port from 80,
#you should pick a number greater than 1024 to avoid conflicting with
#things like telnet, gopher, ftp, nfs, pop, etc. that all have ports
#assigned below 1024.
#Configure access permissions. There is an implied "DENY *" that is evaluated
#prior to any user security specifications if present. Otherwise, the default is
#"ALLOW *". End complete host IP addresses with a "." for an exact match. Otherwise
#a statement like "ALLOW 129.106.3" would match hosts 129.106.30.*, 129.106.31.*,
#129.106.32.*, etc.
#NOTE!!! "ALLOW *" and "DENY *" are not valid syntax!
#ALLOW 129.106.3.
#If the following line is uncommented, MacHTTP will hide the status window when
# it is in the background.
# Additions for multi-threaded transfers
# This is the number of ticks that MacHTTP will "steal" from other processes while
# sending data to clients. This equates directly to how much time MacHTTP will spend
# processing connections. Your Mac will effectively be dedicated to MacHTTP for this
# period of time. The argument is in "ticks", which are 60ths of a second. The default
# is .5 seconds. (30 ticks) Values can range between 0 and 120.
# This is the chunk size that MacHTTP will divide file transfers into. The larger the
# chunk, the longer it will take to transmit over slow connections. The smaller it is, the
# more times MacHTTP will be able to swap between servicing multiple connections and
# freeing the Mac to work on other processes. The argument represents the max number of
# bytes to be sent in a single MacTCP write to the client. The min is 256, the max is 10240.